Do you Ever Experience Negative Self Talk? Me too...

This morning I woke up filled with negative self talk. If you’re someone who doesn’t deal with this, I am so grateful. Yet negative self talk is something that is very natural for me. Thankfully it isn’t as often as it used to be but when it starts it can be like a snowball rolling down a hill that grows and grows. Outwardly I am sincere when encouraging others but I don’t always talk that way to myself.

Can you relate?

Starting off my day like this was not what I planned nor wanted. It takes little effort to stay in the cycle of negative thoughts, yet takes every ounce of energy to fight off these negative words.

In case you too have moments like this I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray. ™

Remember, not every thought we have is true. Let’s not allow lies to take us down for the day. Let’s do our best to do things that nourish our mind, body and soul and be prayerful for God to renew our minds. Let’s move our bodies instead of staying still. Let’s choose to put messages in our eyes and ears that will help us shift our thoughts away from these lies and back to what is true, and who God tells us we are. Let’s choose to avoid looking at or listening to things that may add fuel to the fire (ie social media). Instead, let’s open up to a loved one and let them know where we are so that they can help us speak truth to ourselves and pray for us.

I know this isn’t easy. Yet I know it’s possible to shift our thoughts, because I have experienced it myself. I am praying if you’re there, you experience a shift too.

Let’s be willing to fight for God’s truth to be what our thoughts are rooted in so that the lies don’t take over.


Because we were made to be light and love, not darkness and self-loathing. So let’s fight for truth to rule our minds, and always know you’re never alone in the battle. Others go through this too, and God is always with us to help us through💕🙏💕

With love and hope,

PS please note, if negative talk is a regular thing, be sure to contact your doctor to see what other tools may be helpful🙏

💌For more encouragement, listen to this week’s Live from the Inside Out™ podcast HERE💌