You are Stronger than the Current

For Father's Day yesterday, Stephen wanted to go kayaking as a family on the Farmington River for part of the day. As we were paddling upstream, at one point Matt said, "the current is strong."  I found myself immediately replying, "you are stronger than the current." I am not sure if Matt even heard me but he went on paddling strong never mentioning the strength of the current again.

After I said those words to Matt I knew that message didn't just apply to Matt paddling on the river. I realized how "being stronger than the current" applied to me, and to you. 

Recently I have been reading a book given to me by a friend, The Way of the Seal. The book shares eight principles to help develop mental strength and leadership skills like a SEAL. One of the lessons the SEALS are taught early in training is that they are 20 times more capable than what they think or believe they are.

When I heard Matt say the current was strong, he didn't say he was weak - but that is what I heard - which is why I said what I said.  When I thought he was saying he was weak, all I wanted for him was to tap into the depths of his mind, and God-given strengths, and discover he was stronger than the current.

Isn't God saying the same thing to me, and to you, everyday?

Each of us is going against some current in our lives, or the current is trying to determine our direction. God is watching us, like I was watching Matt, and saying that we are stronger than the current.  He is hopeful that we will tap into the strength within He has given us, so we too will see what we are capable of.

As we enter this week, let's take a moment to acknowledge a current in our lives we are up against.  Then may we take time to...

pause. breathe. pray.™

May we trust that God is stronger than the current and be willing to turn to Him for guidance and strength. May we, like Matt and the SEALS, recognize that we were made stronger than we often give ourselves credit for. Instead of allowing the current to determine our direction, may we tap into the depths of our God-given abilities and strength so we can grow deeper into the people He made us to be.

With love and hope,


P.S. For more encouragement this week, listen to the NEW PODCAST EPISODE AVAILABLE BELOW!!!

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid,
but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

- 2 Timothy 1:7