Listen and Learn

(original message sent via email 9/4/23)

As we finished up a hike recently, Matt shared how the way back seemed longer. I shared that my experience was the way back was shorter. We concluded that people can travel the same path but have different experiences. As I walked away from this conversation, it made me think about how in our family of five, and how daily we have five separate experiences, even when we are together. I love how this brief yet potent conversation with Matt reminded me to keep my ears open to other people’s experiences, even though they may be different doesn’t mean I’m right and they are wrong or vice versa. It’s just another angle God gifts us with to broaden our lens, and perspective.

I share this with you today in case you too need to grow in perspective, like I do.

I invite you today to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.™

May we be willing to listen to other people’s experiences and perspectives. The truth is, we can learn from everyone if we are open and willing. Even when we travel parallel paths, our experiences may be different but are still worth listening to, like Matt and I learned from each other at the end of our hike.

For more encouragement, take a listen to this week's Live from the Inside Out™ podcast episode, Let's Be Before We DoHERE.

Have a blessed week, friend!

With love and hope,


As iron sharpens iron,
    so one person sharpens another.
- Proverbs 27:17