A Renewed Perspective

(original message sent via email 8/14/23)

While we were away earlier this summer, we were on a family hike and we came across this old structure. The five of us walked around it. Four of us walked around it once, but the fifth family member decided to walk around the structure again, in the other direction. When we asked him why he did that he replied, "By going in the other direction I gained a new perspective."

When he said that, those words resonated with me. Going in a different direction can help us gain a new perspective. I realized how applicable this is for us in life. Sometimes I know I can go through the motions, yet I know that doesn't always bring me a renewed perspective I may need. I do find that when I choose to do something different from the norm, God always has a lesson waiting for me to learn.

I share this with you today to invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.™

May we choose to move in a new direction this week, whether that means taking a new path to work this week, stopping into a different coffee shop, reading a different news outlet, connecting with someone who we know has differing views than we do, choosing to listen more than speak, or something else. By choosing to move in a different direction, may we open our eyes and ears to what God has for us to learn by choosing this new path. May we pray to gain a renewed perspective, just as our son did walking around this unique structure.

And for more encouragement, listen to this week's Live from the Inside Out™ podcast to learn how you can ride the waves in life, with your eyes focused more on God than the waves.

Have a blessed week!

With love and hope,



So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.
For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
- 2 Corinthians 4:18