Stop Trying to Keep Up

I am not great at keeping up with trends on the internet, laundry, emails, texts, and many other things in life. And the truth be told, even on our family hikes I don’t always keep up with these three. Yet I don’t believe we are meant to try and keep up in life. It’s like chasing the wind; something you can never fully grasp. Instead of trying to keep up with everything and everyone, maybe we are meant to let go of that mentality, and instead choose to be present where our feet are.

If you too have felt like you aren’t keeping up in life in some way, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we stop trying to keep up with the unrealistic expectations we put on ourselves, or others put on us. Instead may we practice being present where are feet are, step by step throughout our day. For when we are able to put this truth into practice, we may find we stop chasing the wind and instead start experiencing life.

With love and hope,


Better one handful with tranquility than two handfuls chasing the wind. - Ecclesiastes 4:6