Listen to One Another

I always find crosses in nature but a friend of mine always finds the hearts. Recently I went to cut down this hydrangea from our front yard, and from this angle, it looked like a heart.

What I loved about this moment is that I was reminded that hearing one another matters. Being able to hear someone else’s story can open our eyes, ears and minds, to see, hear and think from a different perspective. And different doesn’t have to mean wrong or bad. Instead it is simply considering viewing things from a new angle that we are used to seeing things from.

I share this today as a reminder to myself, and for you in case you need it too, that we take the time to…

pause. breathe. pray.™

May we be quick to listen to others, and slow to speak. May we remember there is something we can learn from everyone. In this world that has amplified the importance of being heard, over listening to one another, I encourage us to enter each day with ears to listen. When we choose to hear one another, even though it may not completely change our perspective and what we see, it may open our eyes, ears and minds in ways we hadn’t seen before, like when I saw this heart in nature.

With love and hope,


Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger - James 1:19