Happy New Years!

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This is my favorite pause. breathe. pray. mug. It’s broken - the handle is detached at the top. It came this way and I had to keep it.

Why would I keep or use a broken mug?

Because it reminds me that even things that are broken can still be used for their purpose.

So I raise my broken mug tonight to invite you to join me to raise your glass or mug to this New Year. Together let’s...


Before we move into the new year, may we reflect on what was lost, and gained, this year.


May we take a few deep breaths and give thanks to God for the breath in our lungs and for this day. May we also hold in our hearts those who are sick or are no longer with us.


May we spend time with God so He can remind us that although we may be bruised, scarred or broken by this year, He still has purpose for us in this new year. May we choose to take a step of faith into tomorrow with God by our side. May we use His word as the guiding light to navigate the days, weeks, and year ahead.

Here is to a New Year filled with purpose, healing, health and hope. Cheers

With love and hope,


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33