Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year

As you can see Matt was a bit excited for the new year just like the rest of us. Today I sat to reflect on the year ahead, I had a thought that made me pause.

What makes this day different from yesterday?

Yes, it’s a new year but the truth is, it’s another day. Yet today has something we didn’t believe about yesterday. Today is filled with hope and with the beliefs that we are able and that good things will come. It isn’t the day that changed, but our mind and belief around the day.

So as we move into this new year, let’s capture this mindset we have today and take time to...

pause. breathe. pray.

May we ask God to remind us that each morning is a new day and our mindset for that day is significant. With God’s help, may we practice meeting each day with the hope and beliefs that we have today.

Who knows, maybe we will find ourselves jumping into our days like Matt jumped into this New Year

With love and hope,


Take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. - 2 Corinthians 10:5