What is Christmas?


Christmas has meant many things to me throughout my life - a day for loved ones to gather together, a day to give gifts to those we love, a day to receive gifts from loved ones and a day where we lay down all that can be second, and put one another first.

Christmas is a day we express our love to one another through our words and actions.

This was my view of Christmas for most of my life. Yes, there was church involved but that was secondary to what Christmas meant to me.

Yet for the past number of years, Christmas has taken on a whole new meaning…

Christmas is the day we celebrate Jesus being born.

Now if someone said that to me years ago, I would have politely smiled and moved on. And maybe some of you will stop reading after this line.

I understand.

But for those who keep reading, let me share with you what Christmas is.

Christmas is the day we celebrate Jesus being born. Why is this significant? Because Jesus came into the world to bring light into the darkness. To show us a way to live that would give our lives purpose and meaning. For me, coming to know, love, and trust in who Jesus is has transformed my life.

How did Jesus transform my life?

He is a wonderful counselor.

I share my honest and raw heart and he listens. I am fully known, flaws and all, but I know he still loves me. To be fully known and still be accepted and loved as I am transformed my heart. Now I hope to live and give this same gift to others that Jesus gives to me.

He is our mighty God.

As I walked through cancer, knowing God was in control gave me a peace beyond understanding. He is in control of the number of my days. Rather than clinging to having more days in life, I have opened my palms up to Him and said, “let your will be done.” And while I am here may I live out the love I get from you, towards others. To trust in God wholeheartedly, and place my life in His mighty hands, has transformed me to live and love more freely.

He is our everlasting Father.

When we think of our father, we may have mixed feelings that arise. Some of us may have had an incredible fathers growing up, others of us may have had a father who were abusive to us, or somewhere in between. Maybe some of you had fathers who were not present in your life. No matter our story with our father, God tells us that he is not only our Father, but our everlasting Father. He is there for us anytime, any day. To know God is always there for me helped me know I am never alone. In my walk through life I often have felt alone, even when surrounded by loved ones. Yet now when those moments happen, I turn to God, my everlasting Father, for wisdom and guidance. Trusting I am not alone, and He is with me always, brings me comfort and peace.

He is the Prince of Peace.

What does society say will bring us peace? Money, titles, things.

Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” - John 14:27

Rather than following society for peace, I started following Jesus. And since following Jesus I have truly started experiencing more peace within. Don’t get me wrong, I am a wife, a mom, a business owner. I don’t float around all day in this serene space. Yet, when I start feeling troubled, or fear begins to grip my heart, rather than running to the store to buy things, which I used to do, I…

Pause. Breathe. Pray.

I sit with Jesus for a while and am reminded that He is a Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.

I share this with you today to show how Jesus’ life transformed my life. Yet he wasn’t born to just transform my life, he was born to be a light to all, including you.

No matter what Christmas means to you and your family, I hope you have a joyful day with your loved ones and that the light of Jesus’ love shine into your life.

With love,


“For a child is born to us, A son is given to us; And the government Is upon His shoulder; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” - Isaiah 9:6

Peace I Give You

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Yes, there are things to do today but there is no better way to start our day than to...

Pause. Breathe. Pray.

God is able to give us a calm within even when there is a storm outside. And may we remember even in the busy we can be a vessel of love to those we cross paths with yet we can’t give what we don’t have ourselves. So let’s fill up on love this morning so we can be love today wherever our to do list takes us.

With love and hope,

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled....” - John 14:27

Gifts From the Heart

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Me: “Is there anything you want to get your brother or sister for Christmas?”

Our 6-year old: “I made them gifts.”

As I looked at the gift I thought to myself, it may look different but it’s filled with love. Then I gave him a hug and said, “that was so thoughtful of you.”

I am sharing this in case any of you, like me, needed that reminder. I invite you to join me to...

Pause. Breathe. Pray.

May we remember the best gifts we can give are from the heart and filled with love❤️🎁❤️

With love,

Simple Joys

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Often it’s the simplest things that will make the biggest impact on our hearts, and on others💕🙏💕

With love and hope,

Believe in the Light

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My heart is heavy today for various reasons.

Something that is becoming very clear to me is that the struggles on people’s hearts are there no matter the season of the year. And even though this time of year is known to be the most wonderful time of the year, the truth is this time of year can amplify the struggles on our hearts.

When I was sitting trying to work today, my mind just kept spinning in circles back to those who are struggling right now.

I couldn’t concentrate so I decided to lay the work down and got up to light a candle.


Because I needed to visually remind myself that there is light available even in the midst of the dark times. I needed to press pause on my circling thoughts, take a deep breath and meditate on truth. I needed to remember to seek the light of God’s love so that the heaviness doesn’t stop me from moving forward; although admittedly I was a bit stuck for a while today.

If you too have a heavy heart today for whatever reason, I wanted to invite you to join me to…

Pause. Breathe. Pray.

May we choose to seek the light of God’s love in the darkness. May we remember that although there are heavy times and dark seasons, God’s love and truth is there for us to hold on to to lift us up out of the mire and put us back on solid ground. May we believe in the light rather than allow the darkness to become our truth.

With love and hope,


“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” - John 1:5

Imperfection Is Beautiful

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Years ago I started to make this board for my family to share how what we see around this time of year is significance to the Christmas story.

As I started making it my two oldest were about 3 and 4. They asked to help.

I honestly cringed on the inside. I wanted to make this board and make it beautiful.

I gulped down my discomfort and said yes. They had so much fun glueing and coloring. They were experiencing joy while I admittedly was cringing at times within because it wasn’t what I had hoped for.

You know why?

I was seeking perfection.
They found joy in imperfection, which in their eyes was perfection.

All these years later, we still put this out every year to read through each envelope. And when I look at it, my heart smiles because it IS beautiful. Not because it is the most visually appealing, but because my kids hands were a part of making it.

I share this with you today because maybe you too have moments where perfection robs you of the fun and joy that is available.

I invite you to join me to...

Pause. Breathe. Pray.

May we all see the beauty in imperfection. It allows us to let go of the tension that can come with trying to be perfect and allows us to freely experience the joy available to us, and others.

Wishing you a joyful day💕🙏💕

With love and hope,

Give Love Get Love

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This time of year I remember how I would often avoid making eye contact with whomever is collecting for a cause when I would leave stores. Having just spent money in the store, sometimes having hot flashes from overspending, it was easier to walk by them than to give.

Through my growing relationship with God I have learned now to give when entering the store. In being able to give to those who have needs first, I have more joy in my heart than when I used to leave the stores with a cart full and avoid giving.

I invite you to join me to...

Pause. Breathe. Pray.

May we practice this type of giving this season. May we give first with no expectation of receiving anything in return. May we trust that when we give love, we will get love, which is more valuable than any thing we could purchase.

With love and hope,

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” - Proverbs 11:25

Your Perspective Matters

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Where are you heading today?

Before you head out I wanted to share something I heard on my walk with Georgia this morning.

It is a parable about a farmer who was greeted by a person walking down the road. The person asked the farmer, “what are the people like in the village ahead?”

The farmer responded, “what were they like in the last village you passed through?”

The person responded, “they were very nice, friendly and generous.”

The farmer replied, “that is what you will find in the next village.”

A while later a second person approached the farmer. He too asked what the people were like in the village ahead.

Once again the farmer inquired, “what were the people like in the village you just came from?”

The person said, “they were rude, mean and not helpful at all.”

The farmer then replied, “that is what you will find in the village ahead.”

I loved this story and it’s core message of how our perspective is significant to the interactions we have throughout our days.

It also made me think of this time of year and the hustle and bustle that can come with this season.

So before we head out today, I wanted to invite you to join me to...

Pause. Breathe. Pray.

May we check the lens we are looking through right now. Are we more aligned with the first person in the parable or the second?

May we choose to align our lens with the perspective of seeing the good in others. And if we meet someone who gives us every reason to shift our perspective, may we choose to live out God’s love to them by practicing patience, kindness, being slow to anger, etc. It may be challenging but by choosing to stop the anger and pass along love instead is transformative for our hearts - and theirs.

Often it isn’t who is around us that can make or break our day. It is the lens we are looking through.

With love and hope,

“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” - Colossians 3:2

Walker or Runner?

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Are you a walker or a runner?

On the trails I am a walker. Yet my pace in life has picked up and I am running around more this time of year rather, than walking through my days.

Often I find when I am feeling overwhelmed, it is because I neglected to involve God in the planning of my day.

Yet when I choose to pause to pray and invite God into my day, I find my days are less cluttered and more productive.

Being busy and over scheduled seems to be celebrated in society. I encourage you to join me to start celebrating what will nourish us, which is a slower pace. 

During this busy season, I invite you to join me to...

Pause. Breathe. Pray.

Let’s ask God what purposeful steps forward we need to take today. We can keep running around or we can choose to invite God to walk beside us to give us wisdom and insight along the way.

Will you be a walker or a runner today?

With love and hope,

“We make our plans, God directs our steps.” - Proverbs 16:9

Everybody Belongs

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When we realize that we are meant to help each their rise up, purpose is breathed into us.

Thank you Beanz & Co. Café for the inspiration and for creating a space that celebrates helping people of all abilities rise up💝

With love and hope,