How to Grow Contentment?

We had a ton of rain this weekend. In the break of rain yesterday, I walked around to see if any of the seeds we had planted were growing. I saw this little one and it brought so much joy to my heart. Seeing this little bud popping up was a reminder to me that sometimes it's not the big things in life we need to celebrate, but keeping our eyes open to the little moments we can celebrate is enough. When we are able to celebrate the little things, we will have more contentment in our hearts, as we are living aligned with God's design for us, to be content within, no matter our circumstances.

This morning on the radio, this point was reiterated to me when I heard a story. There was a man who won $10 on a scratch off lottery ticket. Rather than cashing it in, or buying more lottery tickets with the money he won, he went down to the local lottery office. Once there, he asked to have them take his picture with a large check in his hand made out for $10. And they did it for him! Rather than thinking the $10 wasn't enough, this person chose to celebrate what he had.

I know sometimes I forget to celebrate the small things. Can you relate?

If so, I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.™

This week, may we keep our eyes and ears open to the little things that we can celebrate, that we may often overlook. Maybe it's noticing we get to open our eyes each morning, have hot water in our shower, we have food in our fridge, gas in our cars, extra clothing in our closets, shoes on our feet, etc.  Maybe it's noticing the people around us we get to share our days with, the hugs we give or receive, the people we get to share a meal with, the text from a loved one - even if it's about nothing - that we still get to hear from them today, the "I love you's" we get to say to those we love, etc. Maybe it is the sun shining, the greener grass from the rain, the trees blooming, the flowers growing, the sounds of a stream flowing, etc. May we pay attention and celebrate the little things this week so that we, like the man who won the $10 lottery ticket, will see that celebrating the small things will grow more  contentment in our hearts today than waiting for something bigger to come our way.

With love and hope,


P.S. If someone came to mind when you read this who you believe would benefit from hearing this message, consider sending this encouraging message their way!

I am not saying this because I am in need,
for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.
I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

- Philippians 4:11-13