Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Another year.  What a gift!

As we enter a New Year, I often feel a pull to change my outer being. For so much of my life I have lived believing if I looked good on the outside then I would be well within. I believed this to my core that I have spent much of my career in the wellness field teaching others how to do the same. For the majority of my life, I have been entangled in trying to look good on the outside but the interesting thing is, often when I have looked my best by the world's standards, I have not been well within.

I will admit, the temptation arises within me to go back to this belief and follow it to a new exercise routine, diet and to set goals for myself that often align with the “change the outside first” mentality.

Can you relate?

If so, I have good news for you that will bring you a renewed perspective for you to ring the New Year in with that doesn’t require you to change the outside of yourself.

The good news is that your wellness begins within.

Wellness is when we are well in our soul with God.

And when we are well, we will experience more of the fruit of the Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. (Galatians 5:22)

How do we experience this nourishing fruit?

God says He is the vine and we are the branches, whoever remains in Him will produce much fruit. (John 15:5) Our wellness is not dependent on what we look like on the outside. Instead our wellness is something that grows from our deepening relationship with God.

Please know, I am not discounting the importance of taking care for our bodies, as they are the temple for the Holy Spirit. We need to treat them as we would any holy place, with dignity, honor and respect. And yes, I do love to exercise, eat well, drink plenty of water, get a solid amount of sleep, etc. Yet God’s Word tells us to be less concerned about the outside and more focused within,

“…our outer self is wasting away, (and) our inner self is being renewed day by day.” - 2 Corinthians 4:16

He wants us to be well in our soul with Him first, above all else.

So as we enter the New Year, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.™

This year let’s choose to begin within. May we make our growing relationship with God our priority. Day by day, may we choose to give God the first fruits of our time so we can fill up on His Word and His Truth to nourish our hearts, minds and souls. May this New Year be a new beginning for all of us as we focus less on what is on the outside and instead choose to live from the inside out and align ourselves with God, and His divine design for us. The world’s messages of what will help us be well are ever changing. Yet God’s Word is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Let’s choose to root ourselves daily in His unwavering Word and Truth so we are well in our soul with God and experience more love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, no matter what the year brings.

This will be a journey for all of us, myself included. Please know I am here to walk this truth beside you and encourage you along the way.

With love and hope,