7 Truths to Encourage You

January 25 is a day of reflection for me. Do you ever have a date that brings up a memory and causes you to pause? That is what today is for me, and why I am writing to you on a Wednesday instead of Monday this week.

Six years ago today I went to an ENT for sinus issues. I went into the appointment expecting to get nasal spray and I came away from the appointment learning that I had a tumor in my nasal cavity that grew in to my palate. I later learned that I had a rare salivary gland cancer called adenoid cystic carcinoma. I've been reflecting on this day for a couple of weeks as I had been asked to give a talk last week at the bible study I attend. The question I addressed in my talk was, "If you knew your time here on earth was coming to an end, what would you want to impart on those you love?" 

I always try and take my cancerversaries, or important dates from my cancer journey, and make something good out of them. So today I decided to share with you to the talk I gave last week in hopes one or more of the seven truths I share may resonate with you.

The talk is about 24 minutes. Take a listen while you're driving, pop in your airpods and listen as you do mundane tasks around the house, or cozy up with a cup of tea on the couch. However you listen, I pray that these seven truths may be a blessing to you for whatever struggle you may be walking through in this time. 

With love and hope,

P.S. If you, or someone you love, is walking with cancer and could use more encouragement, Our Struggles Have Purpose, is a compilation of fifty-five lessons I learned during my walk with cancer to encourage you on your journey. You can learn more about it HERE.

Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. 
-  Matthew 11:28