May We Do the Same

Towards the beginning of the pandemic I remember walking on the trail and feeling overwhelmed by the circumstances. I was paralyzed in fear and I was having trouble resting in God’s love. On the walk I felt like God spoke to my heart and said, “if you stayed in this paralyzed place in fear, I still love you.”

This moment really hit me hard because I was reminded that God loves me where I am - whether I am messy or put together, stuck or loving on others, fearful or faithful, etc.

His love never changes.

I share this with you today in case you needed to be reminded that you are loved where you are, as you are - because you are. I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

No matter where we are today may we remember that God loves and accepts us as we are. May we do the same for ourselves, and for others. When we put this truth into practice it will help soften the hard and make it possible for more love and peace to grow within, as I experienced that day on the trail.

With love and hope,


“…God is love…” - 1 John 4:8