Healthy Risks Help Refine Us

This was an unexpected moment. Kate and Matt enjoy skiing/snowboarding but Gav was adamant that he would never ski again after not enjoying it the few times we’ve gone as a family.

I had planned to take Kate and Matt last night to meet up with friends when Gav shared his friends had invited him to go. He said he was going to give it another try!

Needless to say, Gav had a great night with his friends. What made my heart smile was seeing his friends meet him where he was at and their willingness to teach him and help him grow.

When I saw Gav on his last run of the night, I saw a person who at the start of the night was so hesitant to even try skiing again grow into someone who had more confidence and who challenged himself, physically and mentally.

Growth doesn’t happen in our comfort zones.

I was so happy for Gav, yet witnessing this also made me take a look within.

Am I challenging myself or am I staying in my comfort zone?

How about you?

I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.™

May we take time to reflect on, and answer, that question. I will be honest, I am comfortable and I need to get out of my comfort zone more.

How about you?

This doesn’t mean we should be irresponsible, but we need to take healthy risks that help refine us more into the person God made us to be.

As we look to the new year ahead, may we choose to be more bold and courageous, like Gav was last night. May we invite the right people beside us who will meet us where we are yet will challenge us to grow, like Gav’s friends did. And may we ask God to help us grow stronger, from the inside out, so when we get to the end of our day, week and year, we are more fulfilled within, knowing we have taken a step in faith, outside our comfort zone, having trusted God to do His work in us, and through us.

With love and hope,





Be strong and courageous, do not fear or be dismayed, for God is with you wherever you go. - Joshua 1:9