Happy Thanksgiving!

A few weeks ago I went to purchase makeup. The person helping me was very nice. As we were talking he said, "I can help you fix that if you'd like," while pointing to my cheek.

What he was pointing at is what many think is a dimple on my cheek, but when you are close enough to my face, as he was, you can see it is not a dimple but a wrinkled indentation in my cheek that was caused by radiation treatments. Without disclosing my whole story, I told him, "No, thank you. This is a memory mark that is not something I plan on trying to cover up or fix."

In a world that tells us not to have wrinkles, why do I not want to hide mine?

This visible scar is a reminder to me of God's love for me. God has been there for me in the darkest moments of my life, including when I was walking with cancer. I have never felt as close to God, or life, as I did during that season of my life. I don't want to hide my scars but instead I pray that when I see my scars, that they will always be a reminder to me to thank God for helping me through those times in every way, and that they also are a reminder to me that He is here to help me through today too.

I share this with you today, during this week of thanksgiving, to invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.™

This week, with all we are giving thanks for, may we also consider giving thanks for the tough times in our lives that brought us closer to God, which may include our scars. And if this is a challenging ask of you, please know I want to honor where you are. Instead of looking at our tough times, may we consider looking to Jesus and the cross, and choose to be thankful for His scars, that show us His deep love for us.

Whatever we choose to give thanks for this week, may we remember that we are seen, heard and loved by our wonderful God who is beside us today, and always, through the good times and the bad - and everything in between. And that is truly something to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving, friends!

With love and hope,


Enter his gates with thanksgiving & his courts with praise. - Psalm 100:4