Follow Truth

Do you ever feel stuck sometimes?

I do.

With all that is happening in the world, and in the lives of people we love, or our own lives, sometimes I feel stuck in between emotions. For example, I find myself hesitant to write something positive on here some days because I don’t want those hurting to feel like I don’t see them and hear them. And those days when I have something heavier to share, I hesitate to write as I don’t want to bring someone who is joyful down. So then I just don’t write. I don’t think that’s the solution as I know I love hearing other people’s hearts daily, good or bad, but the reality is, I get stuck sometimes.

If you too have found yourself at times getting stuck in some way, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we recognize that God doesn’t want us to be stuck or have our emotions to lead us. Instead He wants His truth and peace to lead us. A verse I lean into a lot is “may the peace of Christ rule your heart.” In this verse I see that when emotions rule my heart, they take me on a wild ride. Yet to live in His truth and peace gives me and grounding I need, with greater clarity. Our emotions are a blessing and we are to experience them, but if we find ourselves stuck living in them, I pray we can lift our eyes up vertically to where our help comes from so we can gain wisdom on how to get unstuck in our horizontal living.

With love and hope,


Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace.

And be thankful. - Colossians 3:15