A New Adventure

Kate is no longer only a passenger, she got her license today!

…and I am having a mom moment.

From the day our kids are born, we are driving them everywhere they need to go. The time spent with the kids in the car starts with singing the ABC’s and 123’s. Some days they are content as we ride along and other days we wish the crying would just stop and they’d fall asleep. We drive them them to and from the library, play dates, pre-school and more.

Then they get bigger and though the places we take them may change, our kids are our constant companions for the ride. Yes, sometimes our kids are loud and they often leave a mess. Yet there’s a day when we realize that the sound of their voices is music to our soul, and we’ll miss it when we don’t get to hear it.

Once they are big enough they graduate to sit beside us rather than behind us. Some of them share their hearts with us on those drives, others sit quietly beside us and most of them prefer to be the djs on those drives.

We drive them to and from each activity, sometimes it’s early in the morning, other times it’s late at night. And many of the drives with them are in those hours in between. Some days, and seasons, it feels like driving them from place to place will never end.

And then a day like today happens.

We find ourselves jumping up and down with joy for them as they get their license. Then when reality sets in, as it is for me right now, and the flashbacks to all those sweet moments in the car flash through our head, we will see clearly how precious all those moments were with them behind us, and beside us, in the car.

I know we will still get sweet moments together, yet the truth that’s hitting me today is how those moments in the car will grow fewer in number over time.

Then I look up.

I see the joy in my girl’s face. I witness her wings growing a little bigger and wider, as they are meant to.

I find myself pausing to thank God for what was, for what is, and for what is to come.

To Kate, and all the other kids growing in their independence, , make wise choices, take care of yourself and others out there, and know there are circles of people who care about you wrapping you in love and prayer daily.

Now is your time to go and explore. Know God is with you wherever you go.

We can’t wait to hear your stories when you get home

Be strong and courageous do not fear or be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. - Joshua 1:9