When We Fall, Seek God

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Recently I have had a number of conversation with people going through really tough times. My heart and prayers are with them and with any of you who are experiencing tough times as well.

Something that came on my heart this morning to share is something I do when I am experiencing a heavy season. I read the book of Job from the Bible.


Because Job’s life was attacked from every angle and something he chose to do is so powerful.

Job lost almost all of what he had, including his kids, in one day. The news of this great loss caused him fall down to the ground. Yet it is what Job did next that captures my heart every time I read it.

When Job fell to the ground, he worshiped there.

Worshiped? Wouldn’t it be more natural to yell at God or blame Him for everything?

Yet he didn’t blame God. He didn’t even turn away from God. He actually chose to turn towards God.

Job’s story inspires me to do the same.

I share this with you today as we all have something heavy on our hearts. Something we have in common is that we are still dealing with a worldwide pandemic. There may be other layers we are dealing with too. If so, I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.

Whatever it is that is heavy on our hearts, may we know it’s okay if it brings us to our knees. Yet may we choose to follow Job’s example and not turn away from God, or blame God but turn towards Him. I know it’s easier said than done yet it is a worthwhile practice that has helped me on rough days and through tough seasons and I wholeheartedly believe it will benefit you too.

With love and hope,


“Then Job arose and tore his robe and...fell to the ground and worshiped there...

through all of this Job did not blame God.”- Job 1:20&22