What We Plant Is What Grows


What we plant is what grows.  

It’s easy to see it with plants yet we don’t often pause to consider that our minds and hearts are sacred ground and everyday we are planting things in them; from what we look at and to what we listen to.

What we put in our eyes and ears matters. So what is it that we are planting in our hearts and minds today? I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.

May we take a step back and become a witness to what seeds we are planting within throughout our days.  May we then ask ourselves, are these seeds going to help us grow more aligned with God, or less aligned? Are we planting seeds, or weeds? 

I say this as I was growing weeds in my heart and mind recently.  I needed to take a step away, particularly from social media, and step towards God to remind me who I am in Him.  As I am reengaging online, I pray to be more intentional and directional with what I put in my eyes and ears.  To do that I am sifting through my social media feeds and choosing to follow pages that encourage me to be who God made me to be, and if pages start me down the rabbit hole of negative self-talk, I unfollow those people or pages.  Also, I am spending less time online, and more time in books which is helping me plant more seeds than weeds.  I share this to encourage you to consider what the wisest choices are for you.

Also, I pray that when you read what I write, that the words are seeds of love that will nourish you from the inside out and help you grow closer to God, and who He made you to be. 

Lastly, in the past there were more boundaries out there to help guard our eyes and ears from things that were not beneficial for us.  Now more is available for us to consume, yet it’s not all beneficial for us, or for our kids.  So may we choose wisely what we watch and listen to so we may grow less weeds and more fruit within, particularly the fruit of the Spirit; love, peace, joy, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23)

With love and hope,


You will reap what you sow.

- Galatians 6:7