What if there is purpose in the pain?

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The other night I while skiing, I witnessed someone get hurt. The details of this story are not mine to share. I will say I learned this person is on their path to healing which I am so grateful for. I have spent the past 24 hours reflecting on the experience. I saw hurt and pain yet I saw something else too; love come by their side.

I saw preteens, moms, off duty EMTs, and a firefighter pause from their path of leisurely skiing to come over and help the hurt person - and call for help. I witnessed the ski patrol, police, and EMTs help get the injured person where they needed to go.

I saw each person do what was theirs to do and then back away for others to step in to do their part to get the person the help they needed. I saw people coming together and work towards a common goal; to help this person towards their path to healing.

I saw people living close to their God given purpose; to love one another.

I share this with you today because today there are people in pain, with visible or invisible wounds. Maybe that person is you. I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.

If you are in pain, inside or out , please reach out to someone and let love in today to help you on your path to healing. And if you are well, please consider opening your eyes and ears to see who along your path today may be in pain, inside or out. May we choose to be the love that pours their way, and be a bridge to care if they need it. There may be many we see, if so may we do for at least one, when we may want to do for all.

It is easy to assume that someone else is already helping, or will step in. Yet what if no one does? As uncomfortable and unfit for the role we may feel, may we choose go close - and extend love their way. Even if it doesn’t make sense and you don’t know what to say or do. Pray, and allow God to give you the words to speak, if any, and wisdom on the next best step.

Pain is hard & something we so often avoid. Yet what if it is being close to where there is pain that will draw us closer to God & our greater purpose - to love one another and be the love by someone’s side?

With love & hope,


2 Corinthians 1:3-4