Surrender and Trust

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Every time we are on the trail, Georgia always pauses here; where her friend hops on the trail. Without fail, she pauses hopeful to see her friend coming over the top of the hill.

She waits with joyful anticipation and then when nothing happens, she continues on, making the best of her time of the trail.

There’s a lot I can learn from Georgia.

The reality is, most of us are waiting for something. Yet in the waiting we can get stuck and pause from any forward momentum because we hold too tightly to our desired outcome being the only outcome. If you can relate, I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.

May we hold on to what we hope for - but do so with our palms open. For when we get set on what we hope for and grip it, is when we can become stuck. Instead, may we wait for what we hope for with our palms up, trusting God with the outcome. By choosing to do this we can find ourselves surrendering our desires to His will. And when we do this, we will find ourselves no longer stuck but moving forward, making the best of the day we’ve been given, like Georgia.

With love and hope,


You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

- Isaiah 26:3