Soften the Edges

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This lovely stream is on my street and I walk by it on my way to the trail. Not only do I enjoy the sight of the stream but the sound of the water rolling over the rocks is soothing to me as well.

When I walk by this I am also reminded how freely the water flows over the rocks. Over time, the water is able to soften even the hardest of edges on the rocks beneath it.

I share this with you today to invite you to join me to...

Pause. Breathe. Pray.

This week may we recognize the hard edges we have. What I mean by hard edges are those things we are stressed about, the challenges we are facing, the fear, worry, the unknown, etc.? May we take these hard edges before God, who is also known as the spring of living water. (Jeremiah 17:13) May His love and truth help bring a calm to our mind and soul and this stream can do. And over time, as we consistently and persistently spend time with Him, He soften the edges by giving us wisdom and perspective for our days.

With love and hope,
