Renew in Solitude

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This morning as I was walking with Georgia, I went to put on music or a podcast but instead I paused. I remembered something I read recently. The concept is about how we don’t spend enough time in solitude these days. What the book, Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport, spoke about was that many of us are experiencing solitude deprivation.

“Solitude deprivation: a state in which you spend zero time alone with your own thoughts and free from the input from other minds.”

Reflecting on this, instead of putting music or a podcast on, I walked in silence with Georgia, with my thoughts and with God; and it was a renewing experience.

I share this with you in case you too find yourself filling what would could be empty space with your music, podcasts, phones, etc. I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we choose to give ourselves the gift of solitude during our days. May we not fill the empty spaces but leave them open, even if for a brief time, to be with God. May this time in silence renew our minds and remind us that the God is not shouting at us through the noise. Instead he often is whispering wisdom our way, if we only are quiet enough to hear it.

With love and hope,


“Be transformed by the renewing of the mind.” - Romans 12:2