Overcome Overthinking

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I unexpectedly received the book Soundtracks by Jon Acuff recently. The book is due out in April yet through someone’s kindness, the advanced copy of the book landed in my hand at the right time, or as I like to call it a “divine appointment.”

Why was it the right time?

Scans are in the horizon...again. And as I have shared with you, my mind wrestles between surrendering the outcome to God & being gripped by the fear of cancer returning.

This book is about overcoming overthinking & creating new soundtracks to play in the place of broken ones.

What this book is helping me do is put practical advice into practice and shift my thoughts so I can be more productive in my days.

Usually up to a week before scans I am less productive at home & at work. I don’t mean to be but I think the unknown sneaks in & gets me a little stuck. When I read these words, “Broken soundtracks steal our time, creativity and productivity” I was like “yes, they do!”

Do they do the same to you too?

What I have been doing this time around is following Jon’s advice that “action eliminates overthinking” & doing “achievable tasks to help me not get stuck in overthinking” the outcome of my scans.

Rather than waiting for scans & being stuck in the destructiveness of the unknown in my thoughts, I am finding by doing small achievable tasks I am less stuck & more productive.

I also have chosen a new “soundtrack” saying “I am well.” Because I am well, no matter the outcome. Wellness has nothing to do with the state of my body but the state of my heart & mind. Yes, I pray to be NED yet I can’t hold tightly to that as the only outcome. So I open my palms to the truth that “I am well” knowing God is with me.

I share these nuggets of wisdom with you today because I know I am not the only one who gets scanxiety or gets stuck overthinking life. If you can relate, I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.

Join me in putting these words of wisdom into practice. They may take work, yet as the quote says, “fear comes free, faith take work.” You, my friend, are worth the work.

With love & hope,


PS If you want more practical advice for overcoming overthinking, order a copy of the book #Soundtracks If you do, lmk what you takeaway from it!

Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

- Hebrews 11:1