I Failed but am Not A Failure

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This week Matt came over to me with his head low and said “Mom, I feel like a failure.”

“Why do you say that?” I asked.

Matt replied, “Because I haven’t done as much of my work as I should have done by now.”

I quickly thought about my day and how I had been struggling with some of my work stuff too. I looked at him and said, “Me neither. I guess I am a failure too.”

He looked up surprised by my reply. Then I grabbed his hands in mine and raised our arms together towards the ceiling screaming, “failures unite!” and we both started laughing.

I share this with you because my guess is in some way, shape, or form each of us feels like we have failed this week.

If so, I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.

Matt and I want you to know, you aren’t alone. You are welcome to unite with us as well! Yet to dwell in the mindset that we are failures in not healthy nor beneficial. Yes, we may have failed but that doesn’t make us failures. May we not allow our shortcomings, or struggles, to define us. Instead may we meet ourselves with the love and grace God meets us with, and allow His truth and who He says we are to define us.

With love and hope,


For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. - Deuteronomy 7:6