I am Not their Only Teacher

Today when Matt was tying his shoes, I had a flashback to years ago when I had tried to teach him to tie his shoes. There was frustration on both our parts at times. He really wanted to figure it out on his own and I really wanted to show him how to do it. The process was long until one day we were at a store getting shoes and Gavin randomly said, “Hey Matt, want me to show you how to tie your shoes?” Matt accepted Gavin’s offer.

Matt tied his shoes in one try.

This was one of many moments I’ve had as I Mom where I realized that I am not the only teacher for my kids. I may plant the seeds, but others reap the harvest.

Can any of you relate? If so, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we give thanks for all the people God has placed in our kids lives to teach them along with us. May we continue to plants seeds but remember it doesn’t matter that we are the one that get credit when they learn. What matters most is that they eventually learn whatever it is they need to.

With love and hope,


Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true.

- John 4:37