How Can I Help?

Tonight when Stephen came home he asked how I was doing. I was transparent and shared I am overwhelmed today with things I need to get done.

His response was four simple words, “how can I help?”

These words softened my heart. The load I was carrying on my shoulders was lightened knowing I didn’t have to carry it all alone. To have him walk in from his busy day and offer to lend a hand was a gift I didn’t know I needed.

I am sharing this in case you have a loved one who is overwhelmed too. I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

If we have a loved one who is overwhelmed, may we offer these four simple words their way in hopes to help share the load they are carrying. And if we are the ones who are overwhelmed and someone asks us how they can help, may we not say we are fine or try to do it all alone. Instead may we share with them something they can do that would help us and lighten our load.

Four simple words can make all the difference.

May we speak them, and/or receive them, with love and gratitude.

With love and hope,


Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. - Galatians 6:2