Happy Easter!

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As we enter Easter weekend, I pray that we will take time to reflect on the hope it brings.

On Good Friday it seems that all is lost and everything is hopeless.

Have you ever felt that way in your life?

Me too.

Yet what Sunday brings us is hope! Hope not only of our own resurrection someday, yet hope for our own struggles. That when we have a day, week, or season in our lives when all seems lost and hopeless, we can turn to Jesus and remember the hope He brings. His death and resurrection are something we can look at to keep us moving forward in those tough times, trusting that there is another side of the struggle. We may not know how we will get there or when it will happen, but we can trust that in God's time, we will see. Until then, may we look to Jesus to give us hope and to learn from His word to help us through.

Wishing you a lovely Easter weekend

With love and hope,


In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus - 1 Peter 1:3