Gym Life Lesson #7: Be A Builder

This week in PE I played a game called builders and bulldozers with my younger students. You set up cones all over the gym and divide the class in half. One half the class are the builders and the other half of the class are the bulldozers. The bulldozers knock the cones over while the builders stand them up. They get to switch roles during the game. The kids love to play this game - and especially love being the bulldozers.

Yet the end of class when we talk about being builders and bulldozers in life with our words, unanimously the kids said they prefer to be a builder and have others be builders towards them with their words.

Can you relate? If so, I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

May we recognize the power of our words towards ourselves and others. May we use our words to build others up and not tear others down. May we choose to be builders and not bulldozers to help build each other up into the people God made us to be.

With love and hope,


“Hold firmly to the word of life..”

- Philippians 2:16