Beyond the Surface

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Recently I had a touching conversation with a dear friend who has her oldest son graduating from High School next week. Listening to her talk and share was therapeutic for her, and for me.

She shared how she is looking back on what she has done, and what she didn’t do. She is looking forward to this new beginning for her son yet is processing how things will be different at home in this new season ahead for her. She shared the joy and sadness she is feeling all at once. She wasn’t trying to keep it together and allowed herself to be raw and real with me, owning where she was at so beautifully.

I share this with you today because sometimes when we are hurting or processing an experience, we can close up and not let others in. (I know this from my own experience). Yet what was refreshing to me as a friend was to be let in beyond the surface and really hear what’s on my friend’s heart.

I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.

May we remember that all of us are processing something and we don’t need to do it alone. May we be willing to be vulnerable and share our hearts with those we know will hear them. And if we have a friend share their heart with us, may we give thanks for being a safe person for them to share and be fully present with them when they speak. May we recognize God placed us beside them to listen, love and support them in this time. Also, God may be using their story to speak to our hearts and renew our perspective, as this conversation with my friend did for me.

With love and hope,

Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.
- Galatians 6:2