Be A Blessing


Yesterday I ran to Home Depot to get a few things. I had pulled my car up front and started loading the heavy items into my car. As I went to get the second round of items, a young man who worked there came over from the parking lot and asked if I needed a hand. I accepted his kind offer, and he and I worked together to load my car.

When we were done, I told him how much I appreciated his help. He wasn’t asked to help, he simply saw a need and chose to use his time and energy to help meet it. He said he had just finished bringing the carts in and saw me loading the car myself and just wanted to help.

Isn’t that what we all hope our kids grow up to be like?

By the way, his name was Jordan.

I share this story with you today because as we enter our week, we, like Jordan, will have our list of things to do. Yet I invite you to join me to…

pause. breathe. pray.

Wherever we go this week, may we choose to keep our eyes and ears open for the needs around us. And may we, like Jordan, when able, choose to use our time and energy to bless someone else and lighten their load. It may not seem like much, yet that simple act of kindness may leave a lasting impression and inspire another person to pass along the kindness, as I am inspired to do.

With love and hope,


“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act." - Proverbs 3:27