The Most Beautiful View

2020 M at Celestes.jpg

Are any of you feeling a little resistant to life getting a busier again?

If you are, I get it.

This fall has me reflecting on something I learned after my treatments ended. We had a lovely summer as a family full of quality time together. Cancer stripped away everything that was nonessential & we were left with one another, & found joy in the simply things.

That fall, when school, sports & the busyness of schedules started, it was a shock to my system. During cancer, I felt like God had pulled me off of the trains we were on as a family & sat me on the countryside with my loved ones and I saw the most magnificent view of life.

Joy wasn’t in the busy, but in being present with others.

That fall I sat on the countryside resisting hopping back on the trains that were running that could take away this renewed view of life we had been given.

Although I resisted, I stepped back on the trains, because it’s what we do, right?

A number of months after hopping back on the trains I continued to feel the resistance within. Then in a quiet moment of prayer, I realized Stephen & I are the drivers of our family’s train. No one else is in control of our speed or the stops we make but us.

This renewed view freed me to do things in a way that fit our family best, even if it wasn’t in line with how others were driving their trains.

I felt compelled to share with you what I learned after cancer in case some of you can relate to the resistance to getting busy again in this season of “reopening.” I wanted to encourage you to join me to

pause. breathe. pray.

Even though things are starting to move forward, may we all remember we each drive our own family’s train. We get to choose the pace & frequency of stops along the way. Whatever we do, or don’t do, may we not lose sight of the beautiful view we were given when all that was nonessential was taken away & we were able to focus in on who & what is most essential in our life.

Whatever pace we choose, may we never lose the view from the countryside we were given. The view of who matters most; it’s the most beautiful view.

With love & hope,

The mind governed by the Spirit is life & peace. - Romans 8:6