The Calm of God's Truth

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Are you carrying around tension more and more these days?

I was too to the point my doctors told me I was stuck in the fight or flight response. I have been working for months to get out of it, mentally and physically.

Acupuncture has been a tool to help me undo the tension physically and a space where I can lay and pray aligning myself back with God, releasing the mental tension.

Something my acupuncturist shared with me which has been helpful is to think about how “The strongest and most consistent energy will be the most influencing energy.”

I share this to ask you the same question I have asked myself, “whose energy is influencing you today?” Is it your kids, your significant others, a person outside your home, or online? Is it fear, worry, frustration, anger?

If so, I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.

May we recognize that at the moment we are no longer attending to our own internal world, and allowing our relationship with God to be our strongest, most consistent and influential energy, we’ve given permission to allow other people’s energy to influence our internal world. May today we grow in awareness of this. Then let’s take a step away from letting other’s energy be what influences us. Instead, may we come back to the steady, calm of God’s truth, wisdom and love to dissolve the tensions within.

With love and hope,

PS If you know someone who may benefit from this message today, tag them or send it their way💕

“He caused the storm to be still, So that the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad because they were quiet, so He guided them to their desired haven.” - Psalm 107:29-30