Real Connections

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Last night I opened my phone before heading to bed to learn it was national daughters day. I felt this overwhelming sense of failure for not posting about my wonderful daughter. I was about to sit with my phone to find the right pic to post and the right words to write about her, but instead I...

paused. breathed. prayed.

And recognized where I needed to be was offline, beside my daughter, wishing her a national daughters day.

I share this with you today in case you can relate to how I felt last night. We see something online and feel like we need to post something. The pull of social media can rule my heart.

If you can relate, I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.

May we not allow what is on social media to rule our hearts but instead allow God’s peace, truth and love to rule our hearts. May we know that we are not less than, nor is the relationship less than, if we don’t say something on social media. There are so many of the national “days” we will inevitably miss some of them. That doesn’t mean our love for those people in our lives in less than if we don’t post about it online. The real connections we need most are the offline, in person connections. May we never forget to make those first. And if we choose to share online, may it be from the peace in our heart, and not the expectation of what social media is calling for us to be and/or do.

With love and hope,

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts. - Colossians 3:15