In the Wait...

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What to do in the wait, when things are uncertain, as we are experiencing today?

As someone who has experienced waiting, and not knowing the outcome of results more than I’d like to, here are three tools that help me, that I pray help you too.

1. Pause
We need to press pause on the stories, the fears, the worries, the google searches, refreshing websites, the scrolling social media. Instead may we choose to read, listen to, watch or do something that will diffuse the heavy and nourish our minds with truth and peace.

2. Breathe
May we take deep breaths and give thanks for the breath in our lungs. May we remember it is a gift to be here on this day. May we not allow the external circumstances that are out of our control to rule our hearts and minds and rob us this beautiful day we have been given. Instead may we take deep breaths to decrease the stress and increase our calm.

3. Pray
May we pray and have a conversation with God, sharing the realness of our hearts and the hope of the outcome we desire. Yet may we then open our hands and hearts and not cling to our desired outcomes, instead trusting His will.

And whatever the outcome is, may we go to God with whatever emotions we experience so we can sift through them. May we harness those emotions for good, and not harm. And may we remember that no matter our circumstances, our purpose to love God and love our neighbors remains the same💕🙏💕

With love, peace and hope,

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” - 2 Timothy 1:7