Express Gratitude

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Yesterday we watched church online and the topic was about the importance of expressing gratitude to others.

This message made my heart smile since, after my surgery in Boston last Friday, I had written thank you notes to the care team at Mass Eye and Ear. That smile soon started to fade as I realized that the people I hadn’t expressed my gratitude towards were those sitting beside me in the room, my family. Yes, we had celebrated the good news but I hadn’t written them notes, or verbally thanked them, for their part in all of it.

Its humbling to admit this - but it’s true.

Why is it that the ones we love the most may be the ones we express gratitude towards the least?

If this makes you pause at all, I invite you to join me to...

pause. breathe. pray.

May we take the time to express our gratitude towards others; including our loved ones. Even if we think the person already knows how grateful we are for them, it never hurts to say it. And maybe once you say something, you will see the appreciation on their faces, like I did😊

With love and hope,

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." - Colossians 4:2

PS The sermon we listened to was
by @andystanley @northpointcommunitychurch and is worth a listen💕🙏💕