Celebrate Other's Successes

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Today my youngest was sitting at the computer and I heard him excitedly say, “wow, level 37!”

I asked him what he was talking about and he said, “someone in my class is at reading level 37. That’s epic!”
(He slid humor in there as he always does as the program they used is called Epic👏).

He sat there smiling, happy for his classmate, no judgement towards himself or jealousy showed. He simply was celebrating his classmates success with contentment with where he is.

I share this with you today because it was a beautiful thing to witness and a lesson so important for us to practice; celebrating one another’s successes.

I invite you to join me today to...

pause. breathe. pray.

The next time we hear of someone’s good news, may we notice that judgement towards ourselves, or jealousy, may naturally creep in. Yet instead may we pray for God to take those captive and instead choose to celebrate their success with them, and feel the joy and contentment in our heart, as Matt did.

With love and hope,

“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence...” - Psalm16:11